Marsha Anderson Herron

1985 Profile


Veradale, Washington.


Thomas J. Herron.


Gabriel (10) and Lindsay (8).


I worked this year at a small (35 kids) private school specializing in education for gifted and talented kids.


Sewing, fishing, bike riding, gardening, skiing, tannis.


At our ten year reunion, Gabe was two months old. In October of 1975 we pulled up stakes in Omaha and decided to return to the beautiful Northwest. We had a five month old baby, no job and no place to live. It was great fun. Since that time our lives have been filled with regular activities when you have young children: co-op preschool, volunteer work at schools, fighting shopping centers, planting yards, soccer (I was coach for twoo years and registrar for 450 six and seven year olds for 18 months), PTA (will be president next year), Blue Birds, Scouts, church dance lessons, softball, swimming, camp, etc. I even found time to bowl one year. I'm sure our lives are crazy just like everyone else's. The kids are very active 2nd and 3rd graders and I'm hoping they stay active. We occasionally find time to camp and fish. It's been a good 20 years.

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Ephrata High School, 333 4th Avenue NW, Ephrata, WA 98823