Governing Rules
Members. The Association’s membership shall be limited to graduates from Ephrata High School. Supporters of Ephrata High School may receive an associate membership.
Board of Directors. The Association is under the business direction of nine (9) Board of Director members who hold office for one (1) year. An election of the board members will take place at Annual Meetings. Board members meet in session to elect officers.
Meetings. An Annual Meeting of membership is set for the second Monday of March of each year. Board of Directors meetings, membership meetings, and committee meetings may be called at the discretion of the board president, as well as, members of the board.
(a) Lifetime Membership is a one-time fee of $100.00 and is accepted at
any date.
(b) Annual Membership is a yearly fee of $10.00 which is due during the
month of January of each succeeding year. New Annual Memberships received during
the year are in effect from date of enrollment until the next January.
Association Funds. Membership dues and donations will be used to fund (a) scholarships to be presented to Ephrata High School graduating seniors, and (b) other purposes to benefit Ephrata High School.
(a) A Scholarship Committee shall meet to consider scholarship
applications from graduating seniors of Ephrata High School and determine recipients
based on set criteria.
(b) A Membership Committee shall work towards increasing
membership in the Association.
(c) A nominating/election committee will seek nominations from association
membership for board member positions and conduct the board member election
from the nominated members.
Questions regarding the alumni association can be directed to Michael Lehmann, EHS Alumni Association President.
President | Michael Lehmann | EHS ’57 | |
© 2023 - Ephrata Alumni Association
Ephrata High School, 333 4th Avenue NW, Ephrata, Washington 98823