2015 Scholarship Recipients
In 2015 the Ephrata Alumni Association awarded scholarships to graduates Fredeline Ham and Matthew Meulman. This year the scholarship committee based the criteria for scholarship applications in two different categories. Fredeline received her scholarship based on the plan she put forth to receive a four-year degree with the possibility of receiving further education. Matthew was presented his scholarship in the category designated for individuals planning to attend a vocational school in order to develop additional skills in their chosen career.
A $1,000.00 scholarship was presented to both Fredeline and Matthew and was applied to their education fund at the college of their designation. The announcement and awards were presented by scholarship chairman Gail Smith at the annual Awards Program at Ephrata High School.
Fredeline "Freddie" Ham
“Freddie” served as the EHS student body president for the 2014-2015 school year.
Academically, she committed herself to high achievement maintaining a 3.9 GPA. Her
interests were varied. She participated in numerous clubs including FCCLA, Key Club,
Spanish Club, Drama and Knowledge Bowl.
Freddie was a member of the girls’ soccer, basketball and softball teams; earning all-league, inspirational, sportsmanship and Gold Letter awards on the school, league and state levels. She also earned a Gold letter for her four-year commitment to the pep/marching band.
In 2003 Freddie and her sister Astrid were adopted by the Ham family and brought to the United States from a Haitian orphanage. She set out and became a young lady who is self-reliant, confident, and poised.
Mindful of her good fortune, Freddie traveled to Burkina Fasco and Mali Africa on a missionary trip in the summer of 2014 where she helped build a church and taught English to the local people. She volunteered her efforts to many worthwhile projects within the school and Ephrata community.
To the scholarship application question as to why she felt she deserved the alumni association scholarship Freddie replied, “I deserve this scholarship because I am a strong student, a very active citizen in the community, and a young adult poised to be successful in my life. I have balanced school, activities, and family throughout my whole high school career. I love to volunteer and give back to my community and the world.“
Freddie will be attending Wenatchee Valley College where she will engage in studies aimed at entering into the medical field to study dentistry. Her aspirations include operating a professional practice and traveling to other countries with the Doctors Without Borders program and providing dental care.
Matthew Meulman
Matthew’s educational goal is to receive an Applied Arts and Science degree in Diesel/Heavy
Duty Equipment at Spokane Community College. He is a member of a farming family and has a
love and passion for all things agriculture-related, including but not limited to farm
operations and diesel mechanics.
In order to help fund his college education Matthew has worked diligently as a farm hand in corn, wheat, and hay farming operations. He also gained the skills required to operate a semi-truck.
Matthew was a four-year letter recipient as a member of the Ephrata Chapter of the Future Farmers of America where he served in leadership capacities. While competing in state FFA contests Matt became an outstanding speaker and is able to clearly communicate his ideas to others. FFA Advisor Kent Devine has indicated that “Matt has natural leadership abilities and a mature approach to his responsibilities. He has maintained a clear sense of purpose.”
Volunteer work for Matthew includes serving as a member of Grant County Fire District #13 and, when necessary, large scale snow removal within his community. He is involved with the No Strings Attached Ministry.
Matthew believes he deserves the Ephrata Alumni Association scholarship because, “I am a driven individual who has worked hard my whole life and realize that many things take hard work to achieve and that to get there you must not rely on others but push yourself and to always be thankful for what you are given and those around you. I feel as if I would make the best of the scholarship money by pursuing a career that, behind the scenes, moves the world.”
© 2016 - Ephrata Alumni Association
Ephrata High School, 333 4th Avenue NW, Ephrata, Washington 98823