Row 1 (left to right): Nancy Norton Gothmann, Betty Ledgerwood Moore, Gayle Anderson Bargmann, Donna Pringle Trowbridge, Mary Settle Cress, Mrs. Mabel Thompson, Nona Fitts Askwig, Susan Tindal Brima, Mary Ann Molitor Cornwell, and Mary McMains Hunt. Row 2: Nick Maurer, Shirley Wallace Clasen, Camilla Toland Hatch, Sharon Magoteaux Hampton, Phyllis Long Vidin, Bonnie Holt Levi, Barbara Loosemore McDonald, Marsha Bush, Joyce Curtis Mulliken, Janet Fletcher Ries. Row 3: Gordon Hunting, Marvin Witzel, Steve Hill, Nancy Hedges Nelson, Bert Bargmann (EHS '62), Susan Pogemiller Abel, John Martin. Row 4: Gene Clasen (EHS '61), Jim Clark, Dick Watts, Phil LoParco, Tom Nelson, Mike Montaney, John Couture, Doug Griffith, Brady Layman, Cliff Barbre.